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Casper Page 6
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Page 6
“Edwards,” the prison guard shakes me.
I hear his voice as if it’s far away, my eyes roll back into my head. My body is nothing but jelly, the pain is so intense that I escape into the tunnel.
The guards drag me onto a gurney and push me to the medical room.
I’m in and out of the tunnel. I see the light and darkness.
“Casper, . . . . . oh my God! Casper,” I whisper in his ear.
I look at his face that looks swollen, with black, blue, and purple bruises. His beautiful eyes are closed tight and he’s breathing with the ventilator.
Oh, my lord please don’t take him form me, I just found him.
That son of a bitches beat him up so badly that a rib punctured his lung.
I’m so damn scared.
I don’t want him to die; he’s too young.
I know that he’s innocent!
I run my shaking hand over his cheek, leaning in close.
“Casper, please hold on. You can’t go yet. I need to you,” I whisper, looking at the door.
I don’t fucking trust that the motherfuckers wouldn’t try to hurt him again.
I’m going to do everything in my power to stay here until I get Casper in protective custody for his protection. I need to ensure that the parole board will authorize his early discharge, especially since he’s innocent. I can’t stand seeing locked up.
Casper is proud, noble, and tough because that’s what life made him be. But I know that he’s an amazing, warm, kind man.
I want him.
I need him.
We need him.
Yeah, I haven’t told Casper that I’m pregnant because I don’t want him to worry. He doesn’t want me to visit as a visitor because of the inmates but I can’t use the counsel privileges to see him since the trail is over.
Now is not the time to tell him.
I need to focus on getting him to the hospital and to get him to the protective custody.
The doctor walks into the room, stops to pull the file from the table.
“Ms. Ward, you’re the counsel’s assistant,” the Dr. Bates says, walking over to look at Casper.
“Yes, Dr. Bates I’m asking for you to take Mr. Edwards to the hospital,” I say, crossing my arms.
“Yes, the ambulance should be in a few,” Dr. Bates says, taking his vitals.
“Good, I request that you write your report with details so I can use it to get Mr. Edwards assigned to protective custody,” I say, looking Casper pale complexion.
I’m so fucking scared.
A few minutes later, Casper is in the ambulance on his way to the hospital. That gives me a peace of mind because he will be taken care of and away from danger.
I follow the ambulance and I don’t leave his side. I stay with him all night.
I anxiously watch him breathe. I’m so fucking scared that he stops breathing. I hold onto his hand, leaning over to kiss his temple.
“Baby, open your eyes because I need to see your light. I hope that you’re listening, I love you. Yes, you own my soul and heart from the moment that you smiled at me,” I say, running my fingers through his soft brown hair.
“Baby, your hair is so long, it’s super sexy. Baby, I need to wake up because I need you. We need you. I didn’t want to tell you because I didn’t want you to worry but I’m pregnant,” I say, running my fingers over his eyes.
“Please open your beautiful eyes. I need to feel your soul,” I say, moving my hand to wipe my tears.
Casper’s brother walks into the room. He’s the one that was with my Baby when I met him.
“Hey, I’m Dominic,” Dominic says, crossing his arms.
“Hi, I’m Paige,” I say, holding onto Casper’s hand.
“The brothers and me are here to stay with him,” Dominic says, nodding.
“That’s good. I’m going to leave to change. I’ll be back in a few. I’m glad that you’re here because I was afraid that they would try to hurt him again,” I say, gasping for air.
“They better no try it! We’ll be here until he goes back, no worries,” Dominic says, walking closer to Casper.
“Ok,” I say, nodding.
I lean in to talk to Casper, rubbing his hand with my thumb.
“Baby, the doctor says that you’re going to ok. I need to go home to take a shower, but I’ll return in a few,” I say, kiss his temple.
I leave Casper feeling good that he’s safe because his brothers are watching his back.
I return, and his other brother is the room with him. I stand next to Casper, watching him breathe.
“He’s doing better, I’m Slink,” Slink says, nodding.
“Hi, I’m Paige,” I say smiling weakly.
“I’m going to leave you with him,” Slink says, walking away.
“Thanks,” I say, leaning down to kiss Casper’s temple.
I sit down, looking at him and out the window thinking about the call with Abby.
They can’t understand why I’m here with Casper, but I think that she’s suspecting that we have a relationship.
I bite my lower lip, narrowing my eyelids sighing. I watch the leaves on the trees fall.
It doesn’t matter because the trail is over and I’m hopeful that we can get evidence that can prove his innocence. Casper feels confident that his brother will uncover something.
Casper groans, moving his hand he opens his eyes. I lean over him, looking at his eyes smiling.
“Hey, Baby, are you feeling,” I ask, running my fingers over his face.
“Hurts,” Casper mutters, wheezing.
“Baby, I was so scared, but I’m working on getting you assigned to protective custody,” I say, pushing his lock back from his forehead.
Casper nods, squeezing my hand, furrowing his eyebrows.
“Baby, you’re having my baby,” Casper utters, weakly.
“Yes, I’m pregnant,” I say, gazing into his eyes. I smile weakly at him, praying that he’s happy.
Casper’s eyes water, nodding tightens his grip on my hand.
“I love you,” Casper whispers, hoarsely.
“I love you,” I say, leaning down to kiss his eyes, his forehead, everywhere that I can.
Casper smiles weakly, nodding.
“I need to get out,” Casper says, furrowing his eyebrows into a straight line.
“Yes, we’re working on it. Rest, because you need to get well,” I say, nodding wiping the tear from his cheek.
“Yes,” Casper says, in a low tone.
The damn guards are fucking aholes and I can’t wait to get out of this fucking hell pit.
I walk into the visiting room, looking around to see who it is. I fucking know it’s not my Baby. I asked Paige not to visit because I don’t want these motherfuckers to see my Baby and to even think of harming her to get to me. I don’t want them to see the only weakness that I have that will bring me down to my knees.
I look at the corner, nodding. My brother Slink is visiting. I walk around the tables, looking at the brother ignoring the people in the room.
I never make eye contact with these motherfuckers.
I slide into the chair, stone-faced.
“Thanks for coming to visit,” I say in a low voice crossing my arms on the table.
“No problem, you know it. We have a lot to discuss,” Slink says in a low voice, nodding.
“Ok,” I say looking at him.
“I found some evidence to prove your innocence. It was definitely a setup because I reviewed the strip club, the streets, the bitch Candy’s apartment, and your condo cameras.
I found that that bitch, Candy had a visitor several times in the last four weeks. The camera also shows that Motherfucker around her apartment on that night.
The thing is that he went into the apartment and then came out with his hands full of blood. That looks to me like he caused the injuries to Candy.
I have some photos to prove it. I would like you to see the photos to see if you recognize the Motherfucker. I also have a partial license plate,” Slink says, slyly looks around the room.
“Did you review this with Stan,” I ask, looking him pulling my beard.
“Yeah,” Slink says, nodding.
“I think that Stan should give this information to the attorney, Paige the intern can get the information to them,” I say, leaning on the table with my elbows.
“Ok, but the fucking attorney didn’t do a damn thing to help you,” Slink says, in a low pissed off tone.
“Indeed, but if these photos prove my innocence, then it’s really easy for them to present the evidence,” I say, leaning my face on my hand.
“Yeah, will do,” Slink says, nodding.
“Anything new at the MC,” I ask, looking at him.
“Fuck, brother you know that there’s always motherfuckers that think that they can take us on,” Slink says, in a low tone.
“Yeah, I hear a lot inside,” I say, looking down.
“We put some money into your account,” Slink says, crossing his arms.
“Thanks,” I say, nodding.
“Brother, I need to get back for Church,” Slink says, standing.
“Right,” I say, pushing up.
A few weeks later.
I look at the sky, the world as a free man.
It’s fuckingtastic!
I’m finally out!
Yeah, I did eight months of the five years because my brothers found evidence of the fucking setup.
I’m fucking ready to find the Motherfucker that did this to me! He stole months of my fucking life! Time that I could have been with my Baby especially now that she’s pregnant. I missed being there to help, love, and care for her.
Yeah, revenge is better taken cold. I’m positive that my brothers have been working hard to get me the intel on this son of a bitch!
The piercing sound of the heavy steel doors closing sends a chill up my back.
I fucking don’t ever want to hear that damn sound again.
I walk out the building, and I stop to look at the skin, inhale deeply freedom. I walk down the walkway, looking to see which brother is picking me up.
“Hey, Trigger,” I say, grinning giving him a quick brother hug.
“Hi brother,” Trigger says, smirking.
“Thanks, brother, for picking me up,” I say, chucking.
“No worries, it’s about fucking time that you stop messing around,” Triggers says, chuckling.
“You motherfucker,” I say, laughing.
“Let’s get out of here because this place gives me the heebie-jeebies,” Trigger says, handing me a burner cell phone.
“Right,” I say, nodding taking the burner cell from him. I follow him to the black SUV, looking around. I rub my neck, sighing.
I can fucking feel someone looking at me. It must be the damn conditioning of being in jail, always on guard.
Two hours later Trigger pulls the SUV into the clubhouse. I’m fucking happy to be home.
The brothers welcome me home with a BBQ. I’m so happy to see my Baby. I walk over to her, hugging her close.
“Baby, I’m so glad that you’re here! You look so beautiful,” I say, rubbing her tummy. I lean down to take her pouty luscious lips in a hungry demanding kiss.
I fucking need her so much on so many levels, not only to bury deep inside her heavenly body.
“Whoop hoot,” the brothers yell, pumping their arms.
I pull back, winking at my Baby, keeping her in my arms.
“Brothers, I’m so happy that you’ve meet my old lady, Paige,” I yell, pulling her close to my side placing my hand on her tummy.
“Fuck brother, you sure kept her a secret! Congratulations on the baby,” Stan yells, smirking.
“Thanks,” I say looking at Paige blushing. I take the beer that Dominic hands me.
“Hello Paige,” Dominic says, nodding.
“Hi,” Paige says, wrapping her arms around my waist.
“Yo brother, it’s fucking great to see you out. I want to show you the photos and info that I have,” Slink says, slapping my back.
“Ok, in a few” I say, nodding.
“Yeah, after we eat,” Slink says, nodding at Paige.
A couple hours later, I leave Paige talking to the brothers old lady to review the information with Slink.
We walk into Slink’s impressive tech room. full of monitors and pcs. The Motherfucker is brilliant. I grin, looking around his room.
“Motherfucker, you’re the fucking genius,” I say, placing my hands on my waist looking around the room.
“Motherfucker, damn straight,” Slink says, smirking. He sits in front of his pc typing away on the keyboard.
I take a seat next to him review the photos and information.
“I don’t have a clue who that son of a bitch is, but I plan to find out,” I say leaning back into the chair crossing my arms.
“I have his intel, but I can’t see the connection. I was hoping that you would recognize the motherfucker,” Slink says, furrowing his eyebrows.
“No but give his address because I’m paying the son of a bitch a visit tonight,” I say, grinding my molars.
“Fuck, I’ll go with you,” Slink says, nodding.
Later that night we arrive at the expensive home in Lincoln. I look around furrowing my eyebrows.
“What the fuck,” I say, shaking my head.
Slink, Dominic and Trigger walk up with me to the front door ready for anything.
Trigger stand in front of the door stone-faced. The door is open and looky who it is.
Fucking bitch!
“What are you doing here,” Candy says, looking over her shoulder holding a martini glass.
Fucking bitch thinks she’s all high class.
“Hey, where’s your boyfriend,” Trigger asks, in a low tone.
“Huh, in the garage,” Candy says, wide-eyed.
“Fuckingtastic! I would suggest that you don’t warn him because you wouldn’t like the real deal this time,” Trigger growls, grabbing her arm.
“Ok,” Candy huffs, nodding.
Trigger walks inside to take care of her. Dominic and I walk to the garage. The side door is open, loud hard rock music is blaring from the cell phone. We look at the son of bitch that messed with my life.
He’s working on an old classic Ford pickup. He’s sitting on a mobile stool, sanding down the repairs on the door.
We walk inside the garage; he can’t even hear or see us. I wrap my thick arm around the fuckers neck.
“What the fuck,” the motherfucker yells, dropping the sanding tool.
Dominic stands in front of him crossing his arms.
“Well, aren’t you a little weasel,” Dominic yells, glaring at him.
“Who the fuck are you,” the motherfucker yells.
“I want answers, then maybe I’ll let you live,” I whisper into his ear.
Dominic walks over to grab the duct tape. He turns around smirking twirling the tape. He tapes his ankles together, and then he tapes his wrists.
I drag him across the garage. I shove everything on the table to the ground. I pull him up, slamming him on the table.
I grab his neck, squeezing it. I look the motherfucker that looks familiar, but I don’t know him. The motherfucker starts laughing, looking at me.
“Tell me who the fuck you are and why did you set me up,” I growl, slamming my fist into his fucking pretty boy face.
I’m fucking pissed off that he’s lucking that I don’t kill him.
“Right, it’s you! You don’t have a clue who in the hell I am! Well let me tell you a story,” the motherfucker smirks, bopping his head.
“Talk,” I yell, grabbing his hair pulling his head back.
“Yeah, I can do that now since you’re fucked up with your criminal record. You’re
my dear father’s bastard kid! You’re Mama died giving birth to you and my Mother didn’t want you in our home, so father gave you up! But dear father didn’t give you up when he died. He left half of his millions to you with the stipulation that you have a clean record. That is that you can’t have a criminal record, a felony. So, I made damn sure that you had a felony, so you don’t get a damn dime,” the motherfucker says, laughing.
My blood drains from my body, my chest constricts making it hard to breathe. I clench my fists, inhaling deeply. I exhale looking at the sick bastard. The only thing that’s important to me is that I did have a mother and father. My mother didn’t give me up. My father cared enough to leave me his money. This fucking weasel is my half-brother!
I can’t fucking believe it.
“Brother, I’ll take care of him,” Dominic says,
“Yeah, tie his as up until I decide what to do with him,” I say, nodding.
I need to get out of here!
Casper walks into the clubhouse looking like a lost hurting boy. I rush to his side, hugging him.
“Baby, are you ok,” I ask him, looking into his pained eyes.
“Yeah, I’m ok. Let’s go to my room,” Casper whispers.
We walk out of the room, down a long hallway, and into a room. I look around nodding. The room is the same as the rooms at the Hades Knights clubhouse.
Casper closes the door and walks over to the bed. He falls onto it looking at the ceiling.
“Baby, talk to me,” I say, crawling to his side. I rest my head on his should wrapping my arm around his waist.
Casper runs his fingers through my dark hair for a few minutes. I wait for him to talk because it looks like he’s in pain.
“Baby, I found the motherfucker that set me up. Would you believe that son of a bitch is my half-brother? I didn’t even know that I had a family. My entire life I was in the foster system. I always thought that my parents didn’t want me,” Casper whispers, hugging me close.
“I’m sorry,” I say, running my hand up and down his chest.